When a person is arrested and the Police wish to conduct an interview under caution, the Police have a duty to inform that person that they have the right to free and independent legal advice and representation in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. The person can then choose for a solicitor of their choice or the duty solicitor.
Finding yourself involved directly or implicated in criminal proceedings is an incredibly worrying and frightening experience, especially if you are arrested and detained in police custody for any period of time. We would always advice that you have a solicitor present during your interview under caution.
Our solicitors at Haygarth Jones have many years of experience representing people at Police Stations across Merseyside, Cheshire and beyond. By requesting Haygarth Jones Solicitors to represent you, we can help to alleviate some of the stress and concerns that come with being interviewed by the Police.
There are an increasing number of ways to fall foul of the criminal law system, ranging from simple speeding offences to complex crime such as fraud. You may even be arrested and prosecuted in connection with financial crime allegations relating to HMRC, or as a result of contravening Health and Safety at Work regulations.
It is vital that you know and understand what your rights are under these circumstances, particularly with regard to how long you can be kept in custody, how to conduct yourself and what you should (and should not) say whilst in your interview.
Everyone is entitled to free legal advice and representation whilst at the Police Station. This is covered under the Legal Aid 'Advice and Assistance' Scheme.
This type of legal aid is non-means tested meaning no matter your income or assets. you will be be entitled to free advice and representation.
If you need representation at the Police Station then contact our Criminal Department on 01744 757877 or email at enquiries@haygarthjones.co.uk.
The Police interview is a major part of any investigation and the contents of that interview could have significant implications if the case were to proceed to Court.
Upon our arrival at the Police Station, we at Haygarth Jones Solicitors will obtain the disclosure from the Police. This will include a summary of the allegations made against you. Prior to the interview under caution, we will have a private discussion away from the Officers and can advise you on the strength of the evidence against you. You will be given a chance to explain to the solicitor your side of story and we will then discuss whether or not you should answer the questions that will be put to you in the interview.
Our solicitors are there to protect your rights and ensure that the Police follow the correct procedures. If the Police were to ask inappropriate questions or fail to do something they should have done, i.e. explain the caution, then our solicitors will step in.
Police Station
Job Centre
Serious Fraud Division
National Crime Agency
Voluntary Attendance Interviews
Other regulatory agencies