Attending Court for a motoring offence can be extremely daunting, especially when you don't want to lose your licence. At Haygarth Jones Solicitors, our criminal solicitors can help defend you against a driving ban and or/ help reduce the severity of your punishment.
At Haygarth Jones Solicitors, we understand a driving licence is vital for most clients and without one they may lose their job, home, relationship etc. that is why we will fight for your interests and rights so you do not lose your licence.
We represent clients facing motoring offences in the North West and across England and Wales. We have vast experience in this area of law so you can faith knowing your case is being handled with confidence.
If you have been accused of committing a motoring offence then we can represent you at Police Station, Magistrates Court and Crown Court (if it is a serious motoring offence).
Motoring offences can seem like a small problem, and there can be a desire to representation yourself at Court, however a conviction and/or penalty points can have a big impact on your personal circumstances, such as work and home life.
In exceptional circumstances, there may be special reasons or hardship which can be used to achieve the best result. However, you do need to enter a guilty plea in order for special reasons/hardship to be used.
That is why you need a solicitor with expertise in this area of law. We at Haygarth Jones Solicitors have represented clients for motoring offences for 30+ years and have the knowledge it takes to help our clients keep their licence and get the results they want.
Some of the motoring offences our solicitors can help you with include:
Careless driving and driving without due care and attention
Dangerous driving and death by dangerous driving
Drink driving
Drug driving
Failing to provide a specimen
Failing to provide driver information
Driving without a licence and/or insurance
Speeding offences
Driving whilst on a mobile phone
If you need representation in respect of any motoring offence then contact our Criminal Department on 01744 757877 or email at enquiries@haygarthjones.co.uk.
Generally, Legal Aid is not available for motoring offences. There are exceptions to this for offences such as dangerous driving, death by dangerous driving, driving with excess alcohol (where the reading is very high) etc.
We can advise you if you would qualify for Legal Aid bearing in mind your specific case.
If you do not meet the criteria to qualify for Legal Aid then we can represent you on a privately paying basis. Our fees are as follows:
Guilty Plea - £500.00 (+ VAT of £100.00) = £600.00
Not Guilty Plea with up to half a day trial - £1000.00 (+ VAT of £200.00) = £1200.00
Not Guilty Plea with a full day trial - £1500.00 (+ VAT of £300.00) = £1800.00
Application for Special Reasons - £500.00 (+ VAT of £100.00) = £600.00
Our costs for representing you are on a fixed ​fee basis but there may be additional disbursements. We do, however, require full payment of our fees before the final hearing date.
The fees set out above cover all of the work:-
Obtaining the initial papers from the Crown Prosecution Service and reviewing the same;
Taking your initial instructions
Attending the first hearing at Court (where you will enter your plea. If you enter a guilty plea then your case will almost always conclude at this hearing);
If you enter a not guilty plea then we will write to you with an appointment so we may obtain a proof of evidence (statement) from you in relation to your instructions;
Taking and drafting witness statements, if any;
Perusing all papers served on us by the Crown Prosecution Service (i.e. defence bundle containing statements and exhibits);
Preparation and attendance at the Trial Hearing;
In some cases, we may only receive the initial papers the day before or the morning of the first hearing. If this is the case then we will attend upon you at Court to take your initial instructions before going into the Court room.