Attending Court can be a daunting experience. Every criminal case, where a person has been charged or received a summons, starts at the Magistrates Court, with around 95% of them concluding there. No matter the allegation, we at Haygarth Jones Solicitors believe that everyone has the right to the best possible legal representation.
At Haygarth Jones Solicitors, we can advise and guide you through the Court process in a way that is tailored to your particular case and puts your best interests first.
We represent clients in Magistrates Courts in the North West and across England and Wales. We have vast experience in representing people facing a wide range of prosecutions.
We at Haygarth Jones Solicitors are dedicated to providing you with a quality service throughout all stages of your criminal proceedings. Our criminal solicitors have 20+ years experience in this area of law so you can have faith in knowing that your case is being handled with confidence.
We understand that facing criminal proceedings can be a stressful and worrying time for anyone. That is why you need expert representation to advise, guide and defend you through the Court proceedings.
At Haygarth Jones Solicitors, we provide a complete service, assisting and preparing all aspects of your case on your behalf. That is why it is best if you get in touch with us straight away so we can prepare thoroughly for the first hearing and to ensure that the outcome is in your best possible interest.
You may be entitled to Legal Aid at the Magistrates Court however this is means tested meaning the Legal Aid Agency take into account your income and assets. If you receive certain benefits, such as Income Support or Income-based Job Seekers Allowance, you will automatically qualify for Legal Aid.
If you are not on benefits then you also automatically qualify for Legal Aid if your gross annual income is below £12,475 (£239.90 per week). If your gross annual income is between £12,475 and £22,325 then you may be entitled to Legal Aid, however the process is more complicated. We can advise and help you fill out the Legal Aid application form.
The Legal Aid Agency have created a Financial Eligibility Calculator for Criminal Legal Aid were you can quickly check if you would pass the means test.
Legal Aid in respect of motoring offences is only available in certain circumstances.
If you are not entitled to Legal Aid then we can still represent you on a private basis. This will be a fixed-fee so there are no hidden charges and our fees are assessed on the complexity of the case and the amount of time it is likely to take. The fee will not include the costs for instructing Counsel, if required, or for any disbursements such as medical or expert reports.
No matter what type of offence you have been charged with, all criminal cases start off in the Magistrates Court where they will be heard by a Magistrate from the local community or a District Judge, an experienced lawyer. All offences fit into one of three categories, which are:-
Summary Offences - These are offences which can only be dealt with in the Magistrates Court such as common assault, motoring offences and Public Order Act offences.
Either Way Offences - These are offences which can be heard in the Magistrates Court or Crown Court such as drug offences, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and theft.
Indictable Only Offences - These are offences which will be sent to the Crown Court due to the seriousness of the offence such as murder, manslaughter and rape.
At Haygarth Jones Solicitors, we offer advise, assistance and representation with all different types of criminal offences. These include but are not limited to:-
Offences against a person (such as common assault)
Fraud and Benefit Fraud
Driving Offences
Drug Offences
Offences against children (such as indecent images)
Kidnap and False Imprisonment
Public Order Offences
Sexual Offences
Weapon Offences
Racially Aggravated Offences
Criminal Damage
Whatever the offence, we can offer advise and representation at both the Police Station and Court.
If you need representation at the Magistrates Court then contact our Criminal Department on 01744 757877 or email at enquiries@haygarthjones.co.uk.