Separation, divorce or the breakdown of a relationship for an unmarried couple all have the potential to cause considerable distress for any children involved. At Haygarth Jones, we understand how distressing it can be when disputes over the arrangements for children arise especially during a challenging divorce. Our team of family solicitors will help you obtain a legally binding child arrangement order for your children.
Our family solicitors are dedicated to advising their clients on the options available to them as parents and help resolve any issues in relation to custody and living arrangements of their children.
If Court Proceedings appear to be the best way of reaching a resolution, our solicitors will support you throughout the process from start to finish. They will advise you on the Court procedure, prepare all the necessary paperwork, take your instructions and represent you effectively at all hearings.
They also offer support for any close family member who seek to make an application for a Child Arrangements Order to the Court.
Child care arrangements are often the main concern during a divorce or the breakdown of a relationship for an unmarried couple which is why our solicitors will work personally with you to resolve all issues fairly and keep any stress to a minimum.
We always put the welfare of the child/children first.
Our solicitors will protect your rights as a parent and will assist with any child arrangement concerns such as custody, visitation and upkeep.
Where children are involved in legal proceedings, such as a Child Arrangement Order, we understand that Court proceedings should be a last resort which is why our solicitors will aspire to resolve all issues before this happens.
As each Family Law case is different, it is difficult to predict the cost of obtaining a Child Arrangement Order, especially if Court Proceedings are issued.
Legal Aid does remain available for this type of matter, however, it is subject to your financial circumstances and whether you can prove that you or the child/children have been the victim of domestic violence at the hands of the other party.
If you need advice in relation to a Child Arrangements Order or any other area of private law proceedings then contact our Family Department on 01744 757877 or email at enquiries@haygarthjones.co.uk.
A Child Arrangement Order replaces "Residence Orders" and "Contact Orders" and combines them into one Order. You would usually apply for a Child Arrangements Order when you and your ex-partner are unable to come to an agreement about parental arrangements.
A Child Arrangement Order determines who your child lives with (residence), when and how much time your child spends with each parent or guardian (contact) and who your child is allowed to see during contact with each parent or guardian. There is also the option to apply for a 'Prohibited Steps Order' if you wish to stop the other parent/guardian from carrying out certain actions with regard to your child or their upbringing.
There are several people who have an automatic right to apply for a Child Arrangement Order, these are:-
Parent, guardian or special guardian
Someone who holds parental responsibility
Anyone in a marriage or civil partnership where the child is part of the family
Anyone who has consent of the Local Authority if the child is in care
Someone the child has lived with for a minimum of 3 years
Anyone who already holds a Residence Order for the child
Before Court Proceedings can be issued, it is a precondition that you attend a Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting (MIAM). A MIAM is a meeting where both parents sit down with a mediator and attempt to find a fair solution for the child/children. Although we cannot attend your MIAM with you, we’re always happy to talk you through the process. If you do agree an arrangement at the MIAM then each party signs an agreement so you do not have to go to court.