The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) defines fraud as an act of deception intended for personal gain or to cause loss to somebody else. Here at Haygarth Jones Solicitors, we have extensive experience in dealing with a wide range of allegations of fraud.
There are various types of fraud cases; from simple benefit fraud to complex fraud schemes. Most of which involve lengthy investigations and a high number of evidence to peruse which is why thorough case preparation is essential.
We can attend interviews with you at the Police Station, Job Centre or Local Authority depending on which area of fraud you are being investigated for. If you are charged with a fraud offence then we can advise and represent you at Court.
At Haygarth Jones Solicitors, we will ensure that your case is represented in the best possible way.
There are many offences that could be considered an act of fraud under the Fraud Act 2006.
The act of fraud can take place in many different ways ranging from low value/high value offences to complex fraud schemes.
The Fraud Act outlines three main sections, which are:-
Fraud by false representation
Fraud by abuse of position
Fraud by failing to disclose information
Fraud is now considered one of the most commonly committed offences in the UK and as a result, there is now a greater focus in obtaining a prosecution/conviction. If convicted, sentences can range from fixed penalties to lengthy imprisonment (maximum sentence is 10 years). This is why it is vital you seek legal advice from the outset of the investigation.
We are here to offer our knowledge and expertise to defend any allegation of fraud and contest any prosecution.
Fraud cases can be quite complex which is why we would advise you to seek advice and representation from the outset of the investigation.
Being under investigation for fraud can be a worrying and frightening experience for you, and loved ones, and we are here to help mitigate you through this potentially stressful time.
You may be entitled to Legal Aid which we will apply for on your behalf. We will advise you of any costs (known as contributions) you may have to pay to the Legal Aid Agency.
If you are not entitled to Legal Aid then we can still represent you on a private basis. This will be a fixed-fee so there are no hidden charges and our fees are assessed on the complexity of the case and the amount of time it is likely to take. The fee will not include the costs for instructing a Barrister or for any disbursements such as medical or expert reports.
If you need representation in respect of any fraud offence then contact our Criminal Department on 01744 757877 or email at enquiries@haygarthjones.co.uk.
Our solicitors work with clients all over the UK in a wide range of fraud cases.
Some of the most common fraudulent offences we deal with are:-
Benefit fraud is deliberately or dishonestly claiming benefits for which you are not entitled to. This could be done by not declaring a change in circumstances or providing false information.
The three main government agencies who pay benefits, and who would investigate any allegation of benefit fraud, are the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Service for Personnel and Veterans Agency.
Revenue / VAT fraud is one of the most targeted crimes by Organised Crime Groups. As a result, even the slightest suspicion of fraudulent activity by an individual or business and HRMC will subject to you to an in depth investigation.
There are many ways of committing VAT fraud ranging from falsifying invoices to construction industry fraud i.e. improper financial gains by constructors. Basically if VAT is not collected and paid to HRMC then this is deemed as fraud on the VAT system and therefore VAT fraud has been committed.
Revenue / VAT fraud is deemed a very serious offence, one which can carry a lengthy custodial sentence. If you have been accused of committing VAT fraud, we would advise you to contact us as soon possible.
Conspiracy is defined as an agreement between parties who are planning to act unlawfully for their own personal gain. An offence of conspiracy to defraud can be quite complex as you do not have to have physically committed the act of fraud in order to face a prosecution.
Due to the complexity of this offence, it is in your best interest to contact us as soon as possible so we may advise you through the entire process of your case.
Counterfeiting is the process of creating replicas of an item with the intention of passing them off as the original or genuine item. Counterfeiting is usually associated with large scale items produced en-masse such as money, music, designer goods etc.
Forgery is the act of copying or imitating an object with the intention to deceive another. This can include objects such as documents, signatures, bank notes etc.
Allegations of counterfeiting and forgery are taken extremely seriously under UK Law and can carry a custodial sentence of up to 10 years imprisonment and/or a substantial financial penalty.
Our solicitors deal with all allegations of fraud, not just the ones listed above, so if you receive information that you are being investigated with regards to any allegation of fraud then please contact us immediately.